Saturday, October 27, 2012

Big news! The training wheels are GONE!

On the way home from church one day Griffin said, "I think today is the day that we should take my training wheels off."  We were both shocked because he had no interest in biking without we scurried home and headed out to the driveway before he could change his mind!  Jamie went up and down the driveway with him several times with a towel around Griffin's waist.  He was making progress, but wasn't quite there.  Then, the neighbor kids came over one night and they did it!  They walked alongside Griffin, encouraged him and gave him tips.  In no time he was riding his bike!!  Since then, he has showed EVERYONE that comes over that he can ride.  This includes the milk man, people from church that have dropped of meals, and our mail lady.  We also bring the bike along when we visit ANYONE.  He's already requested a bigger bike for Christmas!

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