Monday, May 27, 2013

1000 Book Before Kindergarten

When Griffin was 3 1/2, we signed him up for the 1,000 books before Kindergarten program through the library.  We read a lot, so that didn't seem like a big deal, but there is a catch.  The books all have to be library books.  So, that's CHECKING OUT 1,000 books!  We were making progress, little by little.  We were at about 250 books, then didn't get to the library for a while.  We talked with Griffin and together decided we were going to make the goal!  So, we've been diligently cycling through library books in our home, going to the library a couple times a week and filling up Griffin and Preston's library book bags.  We are now at nearly 600 books!  We sit down on the couch and have "book marathons" the boys love it! Here is one of the books that Griffin insisted we check out--it's GIANT!!

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