Sunday, December 11, 2011

Ice Skating

If you follow my "hope" blog you saw that Jamie recently checked out the ice and decided he NEEDED to get his skates on.  We had the best night out on the ice skating with headlamps on.  I had so much fun that I decided to get skates for both me and Griffin today.  After Sunday School we headed to Play it Again and this is what we got:

 We had so much fun out on the ice!!
Griffin was the camera man for a while, he didn't quite get the skates in, but did a good job considering the camera is practically as big as his head!
 He did some chair skating. 
 The he skated on his own a bit!  I was so proud--he'd laugh when he fell and would get right back up!
 No chair!

At one point he stated, "I think when I am 5 I will be able to skate." 

I'm so glad the lake had such a great freeze this year!  The ice is like glass!

1 comment:

Shop Girl said...

Love the skates! I need to go skating soon!!!