Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What a Great Dad!

We came home to a fun backyard maze thanks to Jamie! Griffin loved it and is going to have a ton of fun exploring our snowy backyard!

Enjoying the Snow!

Running on the lake! Bundled up!

A bit tired on the way home!


Check out Griffin's response to the motorcycle that Poppa and Uncle have been working on--it's great!!

Christmas with the Wolneys

Yep, when you are 3,000 miles away, this is how you celebrate Christmas! It's not quite the same, but it sure it nice to see them!! Griffin scored with more great toys--a cash register that really rings items up with barcodes, a cool "kid computer," a fun spinny toy and loads of great books!!

Thank you, Anita!

Christmas at the Jones'

Cousins..some international cousins, too!
Playing LIFE on the iPad.
Hugs for Grandma.

Loving up Uncle Kevin.
Whoo-hoo!! Buzz Lightyear!

Griffin was a Good Boy!

We have the prettiest cookies for Santa in the world. Thanks to our dear cleaning lady, Jill, for making them! Santa scored and got Griffin an crane and a truck--that are hooked together!! He was impressed!

He gave me a sucker and told Daddy he was sorry, but he only had two. Then he found a piece of candy to share with Daddy. I hope he stays this sweet!
Our little super hero! (Thanks, Santa on the farm!)

Christmas at the Farm

Santa dropped off an electric drum (note we DID ask for the two items listed for G, yes, we are crazy parents!)
Santa rang the doorbell and dropped off a bag of presents....Griffin wanted to catch a glimpse of Santa.....

Matt carried in the presents!

Paisley just kept looking cute!

Great Night with the Girls

I have a great get together with the WNG last week--on a Wednesday night, too! I miss my lovies! The WNG wannabe is Mason, he couldn't get any cuter!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Program at Church

I remember watching Christmas programs at our Church in the past with tears in my eyes--the kids are so adorable! This year was the first year that Griffin was in the program (and I am one of the Sunday School teachers). It definitely made for a wonderful Christmas memory. I was so proud of our little guy and all of the kids in our class. Thanks Grandma and Grandpas for coming....Grffin was SO proud!
Video to follow--would you believe my camera didn't work!? Luckily, one of my co-teachers had her camera with.

Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Griffin and I made a birthday cake for Jesus on Wednesday. Griffin wanted to know if Jesus liked frosting, my guess is that he would. He also wanted to know how we were going to get it to Jesus way up in the sky. I told him I thought Jesus would be ok with us enjoying the cake for him....I am sure he would! P.S. I was upstairs and could hear Griffin getting the cake pan--I asked him what he was doing and he claimed he was just "Smelling it! And, it smelled GOOD!" Then I heard the utensil drawer open....apparently he thought he better taste it, too!

Candyland with a Side of Candy

Bad idea...we taught Griffin to play Candyland with a side of Candy. Oh well, maybe we'll teach him to play Hi Ho Cherry-O with a side of cherries?


Griffin likes to help put the laundry in the washing machine. I am working on teaching him how to be a good husband. So far our courses ahve been successful. He was waiting for me to bring more laundry in, and apparently decided that hangoing out in one of our baskets would be the way to go!

Making Dishwasher Soap

My cousin gave me great recipes for laundry detergent and dishwasher soap--it's ecofriendly, so right up our alley. G-man likes to help make it. It doubles the mess, but doubles the fun, too!


A nice photo with Grandma, Grandpa and Griffin's cousins--Hunter, Matt & Paisley!


I was getting ready the other day and asked Griffin if he could play for a bit while I finished up. I went to go check on him and he was outside on the deck playing! At least he was responsible enough to put on his hat! I had to clarify that I meant in the living room or toy room...oops!

Making our own Pizzas

Griffin is getting to be such a big boy, now he can make his own dinner--yee-haw! It's gonna be easy here on out!

THE Tree!

This year we got our tree at the cool Amish botique down the street from us--Three Sisters. We picked up a 9 footer and were delighted to see how HUGE it was! Yep, we're the dorky family that turns out all the lights, turns the Christmas tree lights on and sits and enjoys! Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010