Sunday, March 13, 2011

White Blanket

This is what happens when Griffin's white blanket is in the wash. What a sweet little boy. Eventually he left the blanket's side to go play.

Oops! Locked out!

I locked Griffin and I out the other day....Jamie was in the Cities, and the extra key broke off in the front door. What to do? We had a great day! We played with the Eilers, went to the library, out to lunch, visited co-workers and went mall walking with Kari/Larry. When Jamie got home he cut the door knob off and Griffin was happy to help him fix it. Griffin had to make sure he got his "work gloves" on. Yep, they are winter gloves, but he calls them his work gloves. :)


We like our sleep! Here are some sleeping photos taken recently that crack me up....

Meeting the Cardinal

Jamie had the night off of work the other night, but we headed to the game because we knew one of the coaches was going to be surprised with an engagement! Here we are with the Cardinal (who was actually the boyfriend dressed up and ready to propose)! I love the look on Griffin's face. :)